HOPE Higher Institute of Healthcare Professions (HHIHP)

student Hope Higher Institute of Healthcare Professions (HHIHP) believes in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations in 2015, specifically goal # 4 Quality Education. Per the united nations “Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty”.
HHIHP hereby joins the ministry of higher education (MINESUP) to meet its quoted objective to “provide the nation with the skills that it needs to achieve her emergence by 2035, a MINESUP signed order N0. 1800866 of 02 Nov 2018 establising the system of training, assessment, and syllabi for obtaining a higher national diploma (HND) in the republic of Cameroon.
In accordance with the guidelines and requirements set forth by MINESUP, HHIHP provides training in the tertiary sector, health domain, field of medical and biomedical science, offering seven specialty training programs leading to the attainment of a National Higher Diploma (HND) from MINESUP upon successful completion of all requirements.
Graduates of HHIHP health specialty programs are able to attain jobs and make a positive health impact in community healthcare industries such as government hospitals, private hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, non-governmental organizations (NGO), research centers, community health, or become entrepreneurs.
Graduates of HHIHP who aspire to advance their HND education to a Bachelors in Science are also able to do so in collaboration with an approved partner university in the region in accordance with the regulations set forth by MINESUP.


HOPE Higher Institute of Healthcare Professions is committed to providing access to opportunity and delivery of world class hybrid education and workforce development programs in healthcare related professions. By promoting a student-centered learning approach through incorporation of our motto “H.O.P.E - Helping Others Pursue Excellence in academics,” our students will excel and achieve their maximum potential thereby changing their lives positively as future front-line care givers serving the community and contributing to positive health outcomes.


HHIHP aspire to become leaders in healthcare related professional training programs in Cameroon and neighboring countries by empowering student leaners with hands-on skills lab and simulation experiences. Such exposure enhances students’ knowledge, skills and attributes (KSA) which better prepares them and enhance their passion to care for patients and help save lives positively in clinical and community healthcare settings.


Our ethics, principles or beliefs are driven by the following five core values which represents who we are and what we stand for as an institution overall.

H.O.P.E - Helping Others Pursue Excellence in their academics. We belief Knowledge is power and as such, we disseminate knowledge, and empower others to transform their lives to be the best version of them by re-enforcing our ‘no student staff or faculty left behind’ swag.
Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) - D: We accept our team & institution’s differences and welcome your varied range of experiences which makes us diverse. E: we don’t apply one size fits all interventions and we acknowledge your individualistic needs. I: we value each other’s input.
Integrity – Harmony and honesty in our thoughts, statements and actions.
Innovation – Forward thinking and planning, implementing creative strategies and resources in execution of simulation center experiences and more to expand our horizon.
Thrive - Commitment to growth and prosperity to positively impact our students, staff and faculty success, as well as our community’s positive health growth.

About H.O.P.E founder:

The vision of the inception of HOPE Higher Institute of Healthcare Professions is credited to the founder Dr. Fonya Claudine NkezeepseAtabong. From childhood she spent most of her time from one clinic to another due to ill health. She aspired to become a doctor to help others feel better and not felt the way she did most of the time. She later achieved her dream to become a nurse and progressed to attain her doctorate degree in nursing practice. Soon after her terminal degree, she lost her father to healthcare complications in Cameroon, and ever since, Dr. Atabong has made efforts to contribute to the healthcare system in her motherland Cameroon by engaging in various productive and educative life changing opportunities. Along with other consultants of like minds, she founded HOPE Higher Institute of Healthcare Professions so she can contribute her wealth of knowledge to Help Others Pursue Excellence in Academics who aspire to become frontline healthcare workers serving their respective communities like herself. She strongly believes in hands on practical, skills laboratory and simulation experiences which enhances students’ knowledge, skills and attributes/attitudes (KSA) which especially builds a student’s confidence level in caring for people. “We live life ones and a human being’s life irrespective of their health status is not an experiment. So, I strongly believe leaners need an environment to practice and translate theory into practice prior to caring for an actual sick person. The more opportunity students have to train the safer care is given to those in need. In all my years in academia and acute care settings, I believe this is the best exposure healthcare learners can possibly have to build their experience and confidence level to truly help save lives positively and, it is my hope to integrate such world class experience in the education provided at HHIHP” Said Dr. Atabong. So, to all prospective students of HHIHP on behalf of our founder and management team, we welcome you to a learning environment that will change your life experiences forever. Some of Dr. Atabong’s contributions to healthcare outcomes in her community can be read in the following links.

1, www.aipcaregiving.com/blog/my-story-my-journey
2, www.nvcc.edu/news/featured-articles/mec-atabong.html
3, www.nvcc.edu/news/featured-articles/mec-fulbright.html
4, www.aipcaregiving.com/blog/how-to-make-care-arrangements-for-your-loved-one
5, www.nvcc.edu/news/featured-articles/grads-nursing.html